A Classroom in the Fashion Industry: Diesel Teaches American Students

A Classroom in the Fashion Industry: Diesel Teaches American Students

Alex Catti (March 15, 2017)
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Italian clothing maker Diesel is known for its denim and chic fashion designs; however, for some students in New York City—supported by the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE)—the Diesel name will take on a whole other meaning.

The famous Italian lifestyle brand Diesel is truly living up to its lifestyle label. The clothing maker is inviting students who study Italian in schools supported by the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE) to come to its headquarters in Chelsea. The initiative looks to teach young people about Italian design and fashion, the history of the Diesel brand, and careers in the fashion industry today.

Upon arriving at the Diesel headquarters, students will meet with the company’s new CEO Stefano Rosso and Italian Consul General Francesco Genuardi. Students will then learn some interesting tidbits of information. For example, the word “jeans” comes from Gênes, the French word for Genoa. And it was in Genoa, in fact, that jean fabric emerged in the 17th century among working-class people. Additionally, the company will show students the entire fashion process, from manufacturing to the sales floor.

This initiative is part of IACE’s efforts to promote the study of the Italian language and culture in American schools. IACE is a New York based non-profit organization in New York. The organization also hosts several other initiatives and events, which include performances at the New York City Opera, cooking classes at both Eataly and Sottocasa Pizzeria, and special events with personalities such as Lidia Bastianich.

Visit Diesel’s official website to learn more about the company and to see clothing styles. Visit IACE’s official website for more information on the organization’s involvement in promoting the Italian language and culture in the tri-state area.



