A Holiday Present to our Readers in New York
This holiday season brings us closer to 2012, albeit much poorer.
But the economic crisis doesn’t mean that we have to forgo the traditions that are part of our lives, especially in the holidays. However, we certainly must be wise, maybe wiser than in the past.
To send a positive message, but one centered on wisdom, i-Italy and its partners have decided to feature here not just advertising, but some true gifts for our readers. We also did it to remind us of other difficult times that Italy has gone through in the past. Those challenges have often produced customs, products, and recipes that in their simplicity have enriched the Italian culture. You can be Italian, buy Italian, and still be wise, prudent, and happy.
In this print edition, you’ll find information about holidays celebrated according to Italian tradition, recommendations for events and books, as well as a handful of coupons for discounts and special offers. Cut them out and bring them to the various merchants.
Rest assured that that we have selected the best of italianità in New York just for you.
Happy Holidays!