New Sustainable Italian Fashion on the High Line
An event aimed at promoting new and sustainable Italian fashion, ‘Borders: A Flash of New Italian Fashion’ will take place on May 17 on the High Line, itself a symbol of both culture and sustainability located above New York’s trendy Meatpacking and Chelsea neighborhoods.
Part of a CNMI’s Camera Club, a project aimed at promoting the contemporary face of Italian fashion, it was conceived by the Consulate General of Italy in New York, along with the Italian Trade Commission and the Italian Embassy in DC.
The event, curated by Giangi Giordano, is conceived as a multidisciplinary exhibition, presenting the collections of four young Italian fashion designers alongside musical performances, videos, images and light shows. One of the goals of the show is, in fact, to stress the interconnectedness of contemporary fashion with other forms of creativity. Most of the designers are themselves DJs and producers as well.
The featured brands are Dorian Stefano Tarantini’s M1992, Luca Magliano’s Magliano, Giorgio di Salvo’s United Standard, and Mauro Simionato’s Vitelli Maglieria Italiana: all young labels deeply influenced by street style and urban culture, while also characterized by typically Italian styling and production know-how.
To highlight the sustainability aspect, which is central in contemporary fashion, garments will be shown on biodegradable mannequins produced by leading Italian mannequin manufacturing company Bonaveri.
Another important feature is inclusivity, for this reason the event will take place on the High Line, a beautiful suspended public park already known for promoting public art projects and initiatives. It will be free and accessible to all New Yorkers and visitors throughout the entire day.
The closest entrance is the one located on 16th Street and 10th Avenue. For information on how to access the High Line visit:
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