Exibition Opening - Emotions from Pisa by Stefano Pasqualetti

Exibition Opening - Emotions from Pisa by Stefano Pasqualetti

(April 03, 2013)
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Bon voyage at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò with this special collection of photographs On view through April 29, 2013, Mon-Fri 10-5. The opening event will feature a performance by the NYU Madrigal Singers

"...Stefano Pasqualetti shows us the Pisa that we know and above all a Pisa that we never noticed. ...This collection of photographs also demonstrate how archi- tecture, through its forms and its surfaces, can evoke emotions that are constantly changing, as sun and seasons take their daily and yearly paths."

Howard Burns

On the one hand, this photographic collection could engage the keen observer with a journey through the city which is as common as it is unusual, on the other hand, it could attract the attention of the absent-minded. Or more. With a camera always in hand the result is always the same: strike down there, straight into the deep. First themselves, in that thousandth of a second that opens and closes the shutter. And then, others. One must, indeed, be just there, in that place and at that time to take a picture, and how can one define the act of being in THAT particular place, and at just THAT particular time? Pure coincidence.

This, at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at NYU,  is his first solo photos’s exibition

Stefano was born in Pisa in 1985. He attended architecture at Ferrara’s University where he completed his architectural studies with the highest marks cum laude, with honor.He also took a course of the “Architecture History” at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa taught by prof. Howard Burns. He worked in the Milan office of David Chipperfield, mainly participating in national and international competitions. in 2011 Stefano wins the international competition for the new Pisa International Airport and City Gate.In the same year he publised the “Emozioni da Pisa” second edition with prof. Howard Burns’s preface. 2011 He moves in Manhattan to work at Peter Marino Architect, following architectural and interior projects all over the world.


On view through April 29, 2013, Mon-Fri 10-5

The event will feature a performance by the NYU Madrigal Singers.



