Castagnole. Let's Try Rosanna's First Carnevale Treat

Rosanna Di Michele (January 22, 2015)
The last day of Carnival this year is on February 15. Carnival is synonymous of fried treats in Italy. Here is a recipe for Castagnole, small soft balls sprinkled with powdered sugar. The word castagna means chestnut, and these fritters resemble a chestnut in size and shape. This is the first of 3 i-Italy recipes for Carnival . Stay tuned for the next one, next week

Ingredients (4-6 servings):

Flour (400g)
Sugar (100g)
Butter (100g),
Eggs (4),
Baking powder (1 packet)
Vanilla extract (1 tsp)
Grated rind of one lemon
Orange liqueur  (1/4 cup) 
Powdered sugar - enough to roll the castagnole in 



-In a bowl combine: flour, sugar and butter cut into cubes.
-Add the vanilla, lemon zest and baking powder.
-Finally the eggs and mix.
-Using your hands, knead the dough.
-Shape into cylindrical loaves, cut into pieces and form small balls (chestnuts).
-Fry in plenty of hot oil, drain and roll in powdered sugar.

Buon appetito

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Ingredienti (4-6 persone):
-Farina (gr 400)
-Zucchero (gr 100)
-Burro (gr 100)
-Uova (4)
 -Lievito per dolci (1 bustina)
-Vanillina (1 bustina)
- Buccia grattuggiata di limone
-Liquore all'arancia (1/2 bicchierino)


-In una ciotola, lavorare con le mani , la farina, lo zucchero e il burro tagliato a cubetti .
-Aggiungere la vanillina, la buccia di limone e il lievito.
-Infine le uova e impastare.
-Fare dei filoncini cilindrici, tagliare a tocchetti e formare le palline ( castagnole ).
-Friggere in abbondante olio , sgocciolare e rotolarle nello zucchero.
...pronte le Castagnole!!! 

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