- We talk about Italian events in the city, but we also tackle social topics
- The i-Italy TV crew in Dumbo, Brooklyn, with their FIAT 500 designed by the late Massimo Vignelli, icon of Italian design worldwide
- Letizia Airos, Editor-in-Chief and co-founder with Ottorino Cappelli of the i-Italy Network
- THE FIGURES: 1.1 million: readers who visit the bilingual website each year — 1.7 million: viewers of the YouTube channel — 50,000: copies of the bi-monthly magazine distributed for free in New York.
- Letizia Airos and her staff at the i-Italy headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. The network is housed at the John D. Calandra Italian American intitute, CUNY
- Using Skype is a must
- A new issue of the print magazine i-ItalyNY just arrived. The magazine prints 50,000 copies and is distributed for free all around the city
- Video editing room
- Updating the website
- The i-Italy team in Dumbo, Brooklyn
- We talk about Italian events in the city, but we also tackle social topics
- The i-Italy TV crew in Dumbo, Brooklyn, with their FIAT 500 designed by the late Massimo Vignelli, icon of Italian design worldwide